Monday 19 November 2012

Breaking Dawn Part 2: Twilight's Twist (some spoilers)


The end to the Twilight Saga has been tipped to have a mind-blowing twist from the books original plot line, sure to shock even those who have read the series.
Part two of Breaking Dawn find s the Cullen family with two additional members: Bella a new born vampire, and Remesme, her and Edwards half-human-half-vampire baby girl.
 Renesme just happens to be the cutest thing since Boo the dog, and is in grave danger because of the Volturi’s fear of the unknown, and of immortal babies.
As a reader myself, I was excited to go to the midnight viewing with three girlfriends, and THIS was the last thing I expected. I don’t want to give too much away but all four of us were unable to breath for the films last half hour. Holding hands, mouths wide open, tears rolling down our faces at each characters devastating end or triumphant victory (still not trying to give anything away!)
Okay, I need to say it; I need to let it out. Because the outrage, and shock, and confusion was just too much to keep hidden. Here is a WHOPPER of a clue:

…There’s a fight… but… there isn't a fight?
I think that’s the simplest way to put it.

Getting ready for the fight

However shocking these final scenes were, I have nothing but applause for the author Stephanie Meyer and screen writer Melissa Rosenberg who allegedly came up with the idea over dinner, since without it the films would not be graced with the dramatic end it deserves. My advice to those who want to see the sagas epic conclusion would be to simply drop everything you are doing and get to the nearest cinema you can!

Thanks guys, great film, but heck you could have warned me first!

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