Saturday 5 January 2013

Tattoos: its an art

Whats the deal with people making a big deal out of tattoos? As a person who has recently acquired my first, I am in love and don’t actually care about other peoples opinions because, well, its on my body and not theirs.
If you want a tattoo and are worried about getting it because OTHER PEOPLE will think its stupid then stop. there is only one person in the world who is meant to like it and that’s you.
We are past the days were it was only acceptable for sailors to sport their adventurous sleeves. Everyone has a story and this is a permanent  creative way of displaying them. It could be the support for your team or country, a drunken moment you have no memory of, or the name of a loved one. Whatever a tattoo is it means something special to the owner, and can take you back to the time it happened. Some memories can be photographed, but others deserve something a bit more special.

My tattoo is feminine, flowery and incredibly special to me. Designed by my father and inked by the same master who tattooed him it has a great memory attached. Cherry blossoms are pretty, and they reflect the human life cycle. Although this may seem like a tinge of sadness it reminds me that my life will come to an end, and to make the most of everyday.  
Some may view their bodies as a temple, but I see it more as a canvas, blank at birth and ready to be painted with the scares of life. so wouldn’t it be great to add your own mark to your own body. Sometimes a tattoo can be the very thing to make you feel complete..
Comment, reply, argue and show me your own tattoos and what they mean to you.

Tuesday 25 December 2012

The Unavoidable Truth

- Five more minutes, is never five more minutes.

- Bacon is amazing.

- Women fall for men believing they will change, and they don't.

- Men fall for women believing they will never change, and they do.

- When disaster strikes, people only care while its on the News. Then its out of sight and out of mind, it becomes forgotten, while others lives are still devastated.

- We all lie.

- We will all be lied to.

- Michael Buble is every-ones perfect man.

- Even adverts for foundation use air brushing.

- Mosquitoes are spawn of the devil.

- We will always want more: One more day, one more bite, one more chance.

- It will definitely rain when you want to go out.

- There will always be a sale on at DFS.

- Dobby is dead.

- So is Marley.

- Friends enjoy making your life as socially awkward as possible.

- Channing Tatum has a power over all women, and most men.

- Things go wrong.

- Things go wrong for a reason.

- It is healthy to be afraid. Everyone is scared of something.

- Love is not a choice.

- Life is hard, but its worth it, because nothing worth having comes easy.

Thanks for reading. Think of your own? Please comment below :)
None of these images belong to me.

Monday 19 November 2012

Breaking Dawn Part 2: Twilight's Twist (some spoilers)


The end to the Twilight Saga has been tipped to have a mind-blowing twist from the books original plot line, sure to shock even those who have read the series.
Part two of Breaking Dawn find s the Cullen family with two additional members: Bella a new born vampire, and Remesme, her and Edwards half-human-half-vampire baby girl.
 Renesme just happens to be the cutest thing since Boo the dog, and is in grave danger because of the Volturi’s fear of the unknown, and of immortal babies.
As a reader myself, I was excited to go to the midnight viewing with three girlfriends, and THIS was the last thing I expected. I don’t want to give too much away but all four of us were unable to breath for the films last half hour. Holding hands, mouths wide open, tears rolling down our faces at each characters devastating end or triumphant victory (still not trying to give anything away!)
Okay, I need to say it; I need to let it out. Because the outrage, and shock, and confusion was just too much to keep hidden. Here is a WHOPPER of a clue:

…There’s a fight… but… there isn't a fight?
I think that’s the simplest way to put it.

Getting ready for the fight

However shocking these final scenes were, I have nothing but applause for the author Stephanie Meyer and screen writer Melissa Rosenberg who allegedly came up with the idea over dinner, since without it the films would not be graced with the dramatic end it deserves. My advice to those who want to see the sagas epic conclusion would be to simply drop everything you are doing and get to the nearest cinema you can!

Thanks guys, great film, but heck you could have warned me first!

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Rock Band Voodoo Vegas Album Launch at the Talking Heads

Rock band returns to Bevois bar for more!

The Talking Heads bar in Bevois is welcoming once more Voodoo Vegas, a five piece rock band from Bournemouth on November 23.

The Talking Heads has been going for 25 years and re-opened this April. Their audience is normally aged 18 – 45 however since they specialize in showing different and exciting live music this changed from night to night.

Voodoo Vegas most recently played at the Talking Heads on the eve of Halloween supporting Marco Mendoza and are back to take center stage.

Photo by Claire Voyle of vocalist Lawrence. I own no rights.

The Whole Band. Not my photo, I own no rights.

Will Wilks, 21, the landlord of the Talking Heads says “We are very excited to have the band back with us. We have received lots of interest and Voodoo Vegas are excellent at getting the crowds going.”

The Talking Heads venue fits 260 fans and over 150 tickets have already been sold at £6 each (£8 on the door) and the bands album is being launched the same night.

“It’s going to be a fantastic night,” says Lawrence Case, lead vocalist for Voodoo Vegas. “Our album is being launched and the event is also being filmed for our new DVD and music video.”

Voodoo Vegas are the real deal, who let their music do the talking. Their inspirations include Guns n Roses, Bon Jovi and Aerosmith. I personally cannot wait to see them perfrom live for the first time!

Check out some of their songs:
Lost In Confusion (also acoustic version)
So Unkind
Lost and Found
Jimmy Silver

Check out Voodoo Vegas website:
Check out Talking Heads website:

What do you think so far of my blog, would you like more information on this event and what do you want to see on my blog???


Monday 29 October 2012

Article on the Rockstones first birthday!

Bevois pub celebrates a year of business with style.
“The Rockstone” pub, has had a successful and busy year after its transformation and renovation from “Bevois Castle” to what it is today.
“our first birthday is the 1st of November, and the following weekend has a lot to offer for the celebration.” Says Max, owner and head chef.
“We have five bands playing on the Saturday alone, as well as an employee of the year award, and a German market that will take place every weekend of December for Christmas.”
The Rockstones has been highly rated on Trip Advisor (Currently 3rd best rated of the 321 restaurants in Southampton) and has been given a 5 star food rating.
Staff members say that the biggest issue they had to confront when changing the pub was altering its identity: “Most of the previous customers at “Bevois Castle” seemed rowdy whereas our pub welcomes everyone; even children and dogs.
 “It is actually very common to find Mohawk baring tattoo covered characters having deep convocations with lawyers here for hours on end. We welcome Everyone!”
The Rockstones aim to become a country pub in the city is easily recognisable, with a warm friendly atmosphere, lots of local ingredients and competitions involving drinking 40 shots of rum  or whisky to win a t shirt.
“The contestants have as much time as they need and it’s a good way for customers to familiarise with 75 types of whisky and 60 types of rum on offer.”
With a German market selling produce such as cider and sausages on every weekend of December there is no excuse not to visit the “Rockstone” and fall in love with the menu, the people, and the spirit it possesses.

Sunday 28 October 2012

The Hobbit the Star and the Rockstone

Instead of sleeping my way through a cold and rainy Sunday, I dragged myself out of bed (around 2pm mind you) and went to my patch, or ward if you prefer, in Southampton.

My ward is called Bevois, and although i'm not entirely sure where it begins or ends I can see a lot of pubs for socializing and having a nice meal; and fast food joints for hungry customers in a hurry.

A week ago was the first time I had ever been this part of Southampton, and upon that visit, journeyed to the Hobbit pub: A delightful rustic establishment with live music, fun themed weekly events, and a cool student vibe. 

Whilst there, I enjoyed a magical looking blue cocktail named a "Gandalf" and was tempted to try the other nine "Lord of the Rings" themed cocktails after. Don't worry, I restrained myself.

The owner of the Hobbit, Stella Roberts is very friendly and helpful as we speak about events that have happened in the past year, and weeks to come.

One topic I wished to discuss was that of the Hobbits name; due to the film "The Hobbit" being released in cinemas soon, Hollywood was not to happy about Roberts pub keeping the name and a fight between good and evil broke out.

Thankfully the Hobbit won the battle against evil because of support from the local community, and actors Stephen Fry and Sir Ian Mcellen who both offered to pay the copyright license for our pub to keep its name.

"We have held the name for over 20 years." says Stella, and it wasn't about to change.

Although the pub has received a lot of coverage over these events Roberts has now informed me that they are no longer allowed to speak of the subject; and have been legally gagged!

(Above: The Hobbit pub)

This week I ventured a few pubs further to "The Shooting Star" and "The Rockstone".

In the "Shooting Star" I spoke to Gemma Coles, a young and cheerful bar manager that juggled talking to me and serve customers without a fuss.

I knew from research that the Star was involved with charities such as "Oxfam" and a particular event called "Dear Catastrophe Radio" is being held at the "Shooting Star" on Saturday, November 3. This event raises money for the Oxfam music shop. 

The pub also won an award for being the safest pub in Southampton, and runner up for the same prize nationally; this award is judged by police and licencors so therefore is taken very seriously. 

I wish to get an interview with Gary Myles, a local musician who is performing next at the "Shooting Star" on the 23rd of November, and 14th of December. He calls himself "Garyoke" like karaoke; as his music is a mix of pop, rock and TV/ movie favourites form the 1950's all the way to 2010. 

(Above: The Shooting Star pub)

Lastly I visited the Rockstone, which on December 1, is celebrating its 1st birthday under new management and a new name (previously the Castle).

They tell me that one of the main issues being new was changing their audience (the people they cater for). Previously most members of the public journeyed to the castle to get a bit drunk and messy, but the Rockstone is made of classier stuff; and is one of the only pubs around that allows both children and dogs at all times of day.

I ended up staying here quite a while talking to the friendly members of staff and Max, the owner, who looked after the kitchen.

It appears part of their success comes from their use of local produce and pride. "Our aim is to be a country pub, set in the city." Says Max. Most of their ingredients come from Hampshire, and when I tell them of my Cornish home Max delighted to say that they source some of their wine from Bude. 

aside from the fabulous local food they are also hosting a German market every weekend this December and have a Mexican menu (alongside the regular menu) every Tuesday.

The Rockstone also holds an ongoing competition for a t shirt. "The person has to drink either 40 shots of rum, or 40 shots of whiskey and they will win a t shirt." Max says. 

He himself has completed the challenge  and those who wish to compete have no time limit and dozens of types of rum and whiskey to chose from.

The friendly, chatty atmosphere of the Rockstone, and fun menu (each dish has its own comedic name e.g lobster: Rock Lobster, Mussels: Mussel Brand) has won me over and I can't wait to go back for a meal very very soon!

(Above: The Rockstone)

Friday 28 September 2012

Hello! And welcome to my Blog

Because I know at first this page will be quite empty I have decided to give a brief description of what I intend to blog about.

First things first, you might wonder why I have named this blog after a wooden and uncomfortable looking shoe. This is not the case. I decided to create a play on words similar to a Vlog (video-blog). I have combined the name 'Chloes Blog' and created the hybrid: Clog. Simple, sweet, shoe.

Because I am a journalism student I will not stick to one subject on this blog, and will have a mix of reviews, news and fashion as well as the occasional bit of photography.